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Linear first order ODE
Linear first order ODE (Page: 2)Go to Page:
Let's try to solve a simple equation with an integration factor. As an example, we can use a very simple linear differential equation \(y\prime = 2xy\). This is our formula for solving linear ODE: \[\boxed{y\prime + P(x)y = Q(x) \\ y = \frac{1}{I}\int IQ\mathop{dx} + \frac{C}{I}; I = e^{\int P\mathop{dx}}}\] Because we just derived this equation, I will use it. Otherwise, I do advise you to derive it every time with your real data. \[y\prime = 2xy; P = -2x; Q = 0\] \[I = e^{\int 2xmathop{dx}} = e^{-x^2 + C} = Ae^{-x^2} = e^{-x^2}\] Now we can apply this integration factor and solve this equiation: \[y = \frac{C}{e^{-x^2}} = Ce^{x^2}\] This solution is shown in this video:
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